All You Need to Know for Flying with Needles, Syringes, and Medical Injections from the UK and Abroad!
Medical needles and syringes are allowed on planes when departing from UK and international airports. They must be accompanied by the medication and declared at security checkpoints. Learn more here!
Tips for Travelling with Refrigerated Medication: Packing, Cold Storage, Air Travel Compliance, and More!
4AllFamily Syringe Travel Cases: The Best Way to Store Your Injections Safe and Cool While Travelling!
How to Store Glucagon: Storage Temperatures and Instructions for Different Brands in the UK
Learn how to store Glucagon properly to maintain its effectiveness. Discover storage temperatures and instructions for GlucaGen HypoKit, Baqsimi, and Ogluo in the UK. Find out whether refrigeration is needed and how to protect your emergency kit from heat, cold, light, and humidity.
Missed Dose of Trulicity: What to Do and What Happens Next
Missed a dose of Trulicity? Find out what to do, how it affects your blood sugar, and when to take your next injection. Learn about side effects, storage tips, and FAQs to stay on track with your Trulicity injections and diabetes management.
How to Use the Victoza Pen and Inject Your Medication Correctly!
Learn how to use Victoza safely with our step-by-step guide. Discover the best injection sites, storage tips, dosage instructions, and answers to common FAQs. Get expert advice on managing side effects and troubleshooting your Victoza pen.
Does Saxenda Expire? Everything You Need to Know About Saxenda Expiration Dates
Saxenda pens come with an expiration date printed on the packaging and the pen itself. However, exposure to heat, improper storage, or being left unrefrigerated for too long can cause Saxenda to expire before its official expiration date. Learn more here!
How Long Does a Wegovy Pen Last in or out the Fridge? How Many Doses are in One Injection Pen?
When stored in the refrigerator, Wegovy pens last until their expiry date. When stored unrefrigerated, they last only 28 days. Wegovy pens are single-use and must be disposed of after each injection. Learn more about their new recycling "PenCycle" program.
Is It Safe to Inject Cold Wegovy Straight From the Fridge?
Wegovy can be injecting cold straight from the fridge. However, if you feel injecting cold Wegovy causes pain or discomfort, you may allow the pen to naturally reach room temperature before the injection. Learn more here!
EpiPen Travel Certificate: Why Do You Need One and How to Download Yours for Free!
Travelling with an EpiPen? Learn why an EpiPen travel certificate is essential and download yours for free here! Plus, a few helpful and safety tips for your travels!
What Happens If You Accidentally or Voluntarily Inject an EpiPen Without Needing it?
If you use an EpiPen without needing it, you may experience side effects such as a rapid heart rate, dizziness, and anxiety. While generally not life-threatening, unnecessary use can pose risks, especially for those with heart conditions.